School Code Of Conduct

School Code Of Conduct

Every Infinity Student is expected to be considerate and courteous to others at all times.

1. We will be regular and punctual to school.
2. We will come to school dressed smartly and in proper school uniform and bring all the necessary study material needed in the school.
3. We will keep the campus clean and tidy. This means putting all litter in bins and taking good care of walls, furniture and other school property. After all, Cleanliness is next to Godliness.
4. We will move in an orderly and disciplined manner in the school, so as to maintain a healthy, safe and pleasant environment.
5. We will greet our teachers, other staff members and visitors respectfully.  
6. We will be polite and courteous towards fellow students. We will not call people names or poke fun at them in a way which makes them feel humiliated.
7. We will participate in all school co-curricular and sports activities in a true spirit of competition and sportsmanship
8. We will complete assignments allotted to us in time. We shall remain silent in class and wait for our turn to express our point of view.
9. We will be sensitive to the environment. We will appreciate and identify the trees and foliage around us and make efforts to preserve them. We will switch off the lights and fans before leaving the classrooms.
10. We will remember that the schoolis reputation depends on the way we behave.


1. One year calender month's notice in writing or a month's fee in lieu of such a notice must be given before the pupil is withdrawn.
2. Those who leave the school in May must in all class pay the fee for month of June. 
3. Transfer certificate is not issued until all dues of the school are settled.
4. The Principal reserves the right to dismiss any pupil who continously fails to make satisfactory progress in studies or whose conduct is not good.